Inspector setting
Inspector channel check parameters:
Channel Id - Identifier of channel, should be equal to SmartCASTERs setting of PlayoutId/ChannelId
Name - user friendly name of player
Monitor enabled - monitoring is enabled
Check enabled - checks are performed according to settings and displayed in web interface
Alerts enabled - alerts to email are enabled
Maximum message loss interval - if no message arrives in interval, alert is triggered. Should be set to higher value than Status push interval in SmartCASTER
Maximum positive offset in schedule - maximum allowed positive offset in playlist (scheduled versus played)
Maximum negative offset in schedule - maximum allowed negative offset in playlist (scheduled versus played)
Maximum gap tolerance - maximum allowed gap in playlist in seconds
Minimal clip duration - minimum clip duration in playlist, if shorter clip found, warning is triggered
Disk space limit - minimum disc space left check
Maximum log size - if log file exceed this value, warning is triggered
Maximum caspar log size - if casparcg log file exceed this value, warning is triggered
Frames similarity tolerance - if frames in video output samples are similar, error is triggered (range 0 - 1) 1=totally similar = total freeze, Leave some tolerance for logo rotation or any other graphic elements, which may not freeze
Freeze frames samples - how many samples to compare before triggering error
Audio Check Minimum Samples - minimum number of audio samples which are out of limits, before triggering error
Audio Check Minimum Timespan - minimum timespan where audio is out of limits, before triggering error
Audio Channels - Audio Channels to check
Audio Loss Level - level which is considered as audio loss
Audio High Level - level which is considered as audio too high volume
Ignore duplicates - coma delimited list of files which are igored during duplicates check
Ignore bad format error - ignores bad format flag
Created with the Personal Edition of HelpNDoc: Free EPub producer