Manual mode
In Manual mode, when playlist item (video) reaches its end, next file will NOT automatically starts to play, but last frame will stay on output.
This mode is useful as a production playout during outside broadcasting or live events.
1) Automation toggle button - is red when automation is OFF = manual mode
2) Extra column will appear in manual mode, where you can set Auto follow option.
When Auto follow option is set, then this item will automatically starts to play when previous reaches the end.
To set Auto follow, select files -> right click -> Toggle Auto follow.
This way you can define group of files, which will automatically play one after another.
3) Different control buttons are available in Manual mode. You are able to perform Cue or Stop, which will clear the output.
Keyboard shortcuts are available to control playout in manual mode.
Also you can define different behavior on double click, like cue, jump etc. in Settings->Grid.
4) Loop toggle button is for toggling current item to be played in loop.
Note, that this toggle is only for current playing item, so after jump to another item, loop can be switched according to item setting.
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