Reset event
To reset current Decklink Input or Output use RESET INPUT or OUTPUT event.
To reset connection to CasparCG server use RESET CONNECTION event.
To reset CasparCG server use RESET SERVER event.
NOTE: After this event should be placed some clip which will be skipped in playlist, eg. black video only.
WARNING: This will interrupt broadcast and next item will continue after reset. It will reset all inputs and outputs, clears all layers and resets connection.
Examples of command syntax:
RESET ITEM - resets current playing item from current playing timecode
You can trigger them via playlist event or in shotbox command.
Proper usage of RESET SERVER event.
To Reset Decklink SDI manually output or input select Trigger->System commands and select Reset video Input or Output option.
NOTE: Approximately 10-20 black frames will appear on output / input.
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